Documented at 24/01/2023
Documented By Hafiis Yasin Firdauzi
Project Owner Kartika Teguh
Approved at
Version V.0001
Background Users have to set goals to make their life is measured and be able to track their progress, but found a problem that they want to track their long-term goals but they can’t because the system is totally manual
Problem Statements HMW to automatically track goals by yearly?
Solutions have the initiative to build goals tracker system
Goals/Objectives 1. Able to track the goals by long-term and short-term
  1. able to compare the goals such as by monthly/yearly
  2. Supporters are able to like and comment the goal post | | Persona | - Millennials
Features Think Action
Features Description -
MVP Plan - Create account on Think Action
Date Description
2/12/2022 - billing dihapus- report monthly menampilkan week yg dipilih- follow = support- sudah follow = supporter- unfollow = unsopport- like = cheer- icon like ganti 💪- pada list supporter menampilkan akun yg mensupport- pada list supporter ter dapat tombol omit untuk menghapus supporter- terdapat list search ketika kita mencari akun- nama Think Tation ganti menjadi ThinkAction
7/12/2022 - tampilan pertahun dibuat 1 page (kecil2 gak perlu scroll)- category dibuat seperti highlight ig (max 7 category)- share goll ganti menjadi share archivment- perbaiki grammar notif- penambahan persentase achieved dan not achieved- kotak pada yearly report dibuat lebih lebar